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Find New Connections Using LinkedIn Search Alerts

If you’re using the free account on LinkedIn to cultivate relationships in your lane (and if you’re not using it at all, you should be), you’ll find at some point that your search is limited to only four people per search. When you hit that limit, it can be very frustrating and just not worth spending more time trying to get the search engine to work for you.

But there is another way, with LinkedIn Search Alerts.

Prospects Right to Your Inbox

With LinkedIn Search Alerts, you can get weekly or monthly emails with all of the new people in your network that meet your search criteria. You can then click directly on the profile link in your email to learn more about the people on your list. In this way, you can get more targeted results without spending your entire day—or week—trying to gyrate through possible searches.

How to Set up LinkedIn Search Alerts

  1. Using Advanced search on LinkedIn…

    Use Advanced search to create a targeted search you want to save for LinkedIn Search Alerts

    Use Advanced search to create a targeted search you want to save

    …search for the Current Title you are interested in reaching:

    Choose the current Title you're want included in your LinkedIn Search Alerts

    Choose the current Title you’re looking for

  2. Narrow the search by Relationship and Location:
    Choose Relationship and Location

    Choose Relationship and Location

    …if you don’t see the Location you want, click Add to include it:

    Add a location

    Add a location

    At a minimum, you most likely want to limit your search to a country, but you can also target specific markets by choosing the ones you’re interested in.

  3. Click Save Search

    Create a Saved Search

    Create a Saved Search

  4. Name your search something descriptive:
    Title and schedule your LinkedIn Search Alerts

    Title and schedule your Saved Searches

    …and set the Alert to Weekly (alternately, you could set it to Monthly).

  5. Click the green check mark to save the search. You can have up to three searches with the free LinkedIn account. With a premium account, you can get more.

How are you using LinkedIn Search Alerts to cultivate new relationships?


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