This year, rather than making a resolution for the year, I’m participating in an activity called, “30 Days of Hustle,” started by Jon Acuff. Someone has already done what you are trying to do. —Jon Acuff Here is a tidbit from Day 13 (TODAY) of the Hustle, which embodies the mission of ConnectorMan: Someone has […]
SharePoint 2013 has a powerful new feature known alternately as JSLink (when working in SharePoint)and Client-Side Rendering, or CSR (in the Microsoft literature). Either way, the point is the same… this code runs on the client side, meaning after the page loads. Client-Side Rendering is pretty straightforward, but takes a little understanding of how the […]
I remember well a conversation I had a decade ago with a friend who introduced me to a new way of seeing myself. We were talking about an event we were planning together for homeschoolers in Central Texas when—out of the blue… to me, anyway—Brett asked: “Have you ever read The Tipping Point?” “No,” I replied. […]