This year, rather than making a resolution for the year, I’m participating in an activity called, “30 Days of Hustle,” started by Jon Acuff.
Someone has already done what you are trying to do.
—Jon Acuff
Here is a tidbit from Day 13 (TODAY) of the Hustle, which embodies the mission of ConnectorMan:
Someone has already done what you are trying to do. Someone went before you and fell in some potholes.
They know where the road is dangerous, they know where the wins are, they know the way to the finish line.
Find those people and learn from them. There are no shortcuts to success but relationships come pretty close. Learning what worked (and didn’t) from someone else can be a huge help for you.
Here’s 3 ways to do it:
1. Read books by people who have done it. Sometimes even something simple like this helps.
2. Interview your circle of friends. I guarantee at least one person has done something similar.
3. Post a request for help in our Facebook group. That group is full of amazing hustlers. I promise someone can help you.
—from “Day 13” in 30 Days of Hustle by Jon Acuff
For #3, if you’re not in the 30 Days of Hustle FB group, that’s OK.
Look to the groups you are in… on Facebook, on LinkedIn, on Twitter, on Yahoo or Google Groups; or F2F groups you attend, Meetups, conferences, user groups, writers groups, etc. If you’re not already connected with a group of people that share your interests, passions, and/or struggles, find one.
Join. Participate.
Online or face-to-face.
Or both.
Reading the Signposts
Here at ConnectorMan, I like to draw connections between people, events, and ideas. Here’s another idea which author Pete Peterson posted today that ties in to #1 above. It’s long; set aside some time (at least a half-hour, maybe longer) to read this Tales of the New Creation. Then take some time absorb it.
Learn from the signposts of others… and leave signposts for those who come after you.
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