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No Shortcuts… But Relationships Come Pretty Close

This year, rather than making a resolution for the year, I’m participating in an activity called, “30 Days of Hustle,” started by Jon Acuff. Someone has already done what you are trying to do. —Jon Acuff Here is a tidbit from Day 13 (TODAY) of the Hustle, which embodies the mission of ConnectorMan: Someone has […]

Let's Connect

"It's not what you know, it's who you know."

No, it's who knows you!
You've heard the old adage about opportunities; but, what opportunities do others have by knowing you?

Who do you know? Who do you want to know? With the world becoming more and more connected, it's time you connected with others in a mutually beneficial way.
"You have a gift. Gifts are meant to be given."
—Jim Bob Howard

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About Jim Bob Howard

I like to connect: people to ideas, employers to employees, friends to strangers, colleagues to each other. Social and collaboration are my MUST!


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